Department of Animal Husbandry
General Information
- History: The Department of Animal Husbandry was established in 2008 within the Animal Husbandry Department of Iğdır University, Faculty of Agriculture, in order to develop regional animal husbandry and popularize modern breeding techniques. The department aims to contribute to the sector by conducting studies on improving animal genetics, nutrition and environmental conditions.
- Animal Husbandry Department program outcomes:
It aims for graduates to be able to produce solutions based on scientific and technical knowledge in the livestock sector. Graduates:
- Have advanced knowledge about animal breeding, care and feeding.
- It can conduct studies that increase productivity by using animal genetics and biotechnology.
- Able to plan and manage sustainable animal husbandry and environmentally friendly farming practices.
- It can develop projects that can contribute to the regional and national livestock sector.
Education Language / Type: Turkish / Formal
Infrastructure Facilities:
- In our department, there is a small livestock farm consisting of 90 Morkaraman breed small cattle, including 47 sheep, 2 rams, 17 yearlings and 24 female lambs, for the purpose of Education-Training and Research activities.
Academic Staff
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ahmet Erhan KARAHAN
Anabilim Dalı Başkanı
476 213 00 10 Dahili : 40 79
Course Catalog
Double Major / Minor Programs
Double Major Program: Allows students to earn a bachelor's degree in a field they are interested in, in addition to their primary field. In this program, students can complete courses in two different fields and earn a diploma in both fields.
Minor Program: Allows students to take a certain number of courses in a field they are interested in, outside of their major. Students who complete the minor program are given an official certificate in that field; however, this does not mean a second undergraduate degree.
- To access Double Major and Minor programs click.
Exchange Programs
It offers students the opportunity to study at another university, either domestically or abroad, for a certain period of time. Thanks to these programs, students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, develop their foreign language skills and gain international academic experience. The most common exchange programs include programs such as Erasmus+, Mevlana and Farabi.
Purpose / Objectives of the Department / Program: The aim of the Animal Husbandry Department program is to specialize students in modern animal husbandry techniques, animal health and genetic improvement. In this way, it is aimed to train professionals who will contribute to sustainable and efficient animal husbandry practices.
Current Status and Future of the Department/Program: Projects carried out with current students and faculty; future goals and development plans.
Professions Under the Field: Professions that can be performed in the field and career paths that will gain importance in the future.
Employment Opportunities: Job opportunities and connections with the sector that graduates can have in the public and private sectors.
Program Introduction Presentation
It is a presentation prepared to introduce the basic features, educational opportunities and objectives of a department or program.
Address : Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Campus, Agricultural Faculty IĞDIR
- Call Center : 444 9 447
Phone : +90 476 223 00 10 - 3405 - Fax : +90 476 223 00 17
- E-mail:
Program Introduction Presentation
Bir bölüm veya programın temel özelliklerini, eğitim olanaklarını ve hedeflerini tanıtmak amacıyla hazırlanan sunumdur.
- Adres : Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Kampüsü, Tuzluca Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürlüğü
- Çağrı Merkezi : 444 9 447
Telefon: +90 476 223 00 10 - 3405 - Faks: +90 476 223 00 17
- E-posta: